311 Squadron

Published on
April 4, 2014
Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Pavel Vancata; Illustrator: Marek Radomski
Other Publication Information
Paperback - B5 - 160 pgs. (24 in color)
Product / Stock #
Book Cover

This is the first publication from MMP that I have had the opportunity to read. I found the book very informative and look forward to reading other offerings from this publisher.

The RAF 311 bomber squadron was the second Czechoslovak combat squadron within the RAF and it was the only one composed completely of Czechoslovakian members. It was formed in 1940 and served until the end of the war in 1945.

This book covers how the Czechoslovakians escaped the Germans and made their way through Europe, exiting Dunkirk and making it to the UK. From there they begin their induction into the RAF and begin flying bombing missions with the first coming in September 1940 against a marshalling yard in Brussels. The unit suffered high losses with mixed results in the beginning, but as the war dragged on they proved themselves as very brave combatants and achieved great results. Most of their combat was in the Vickers Wellington in both fixed target raids and then in anti submarine warfare. In 1943 they transferred to the B-24 and continued with the anti submarine missions.

This book is very well written and goes into great detail giving the accounts of each mission flown, including aircraft losses, aircrew losses and after action reports. The pictures in this book are amazing, with some being claimed to never having been seen before. For example there are multiple period pictures of one particular Wellington that was flown by the 311 squadron in both RAF markings and in captured German markings. Included also is a listing of all the members, aircraft, POW's from the squadron and twenty four pages of color drawings of aircraft from the squadron.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that has an interest in RAF squadrons or just plain military history. I would like to thank MMP and IPMS/USA for allowing me to be able to review this book.


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