Gary Thomas

IPMS Number

Reviews By Author

Parts Package

F-102 Pitot Tube

Company: Master Model

What you get is a turned brass pitot tube which just glues on to replace the Hasegawa pitot. The brass part has the correct shape, and fits right into the hole in the kit nose.

I installed the aftermarket pitot tube on my F-102. It went on the aircraft with no problem and adds to the looks of the aircraft. The only problem was determining the correct color it should be painted. In pictures of the F-102, it was painted in different colors. It turned out to be a very fine feature.

Highly recommended. The caveat here is that the Hasegawa kit is quite old, and there’s no interior, the seat is sub-standard, and the aftermarket for the kit would be a seat and this pitot. So it’s up to you what level of detail you want to install. This is a good start, though.

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