Chip Jean

IPMS Number

Reviews By Author

Decal Package

Air Wing All Stars – Phantom Decals, Part One

Company: Furball Aero-Design


Let's start with a little word equation: U. S. Navy + the mid-70's + F-4 Phantoms = Colorful Aircraft, and that's what this decal package is all about. Every option provided reflects a Phantom in hi-vis markings from the 1970's, a time of colorful U. S. Navy aircraft.

What's In The Bag

Initial impression is "WOW!" On one side of the baggie, you're presented with a color profile of all included aircraft, and on the other side a Cartograf-printed, 8 1/2 x 11 decal sheet full of colorful markings for 7 aircraft – 6 U.S. Navy F-4Js and 1 Marine F-4N. Everything is sharp, in register, and with excellent color. Digging into the bag, you also find a standard size decal sheet with all the black markings: buzz numbers, carrier names, "NAVY", "MARINES",… more

Box Art

TA-4 Skyhawk Israeli Air Force

Company: Hasegawa

What's in the Box

The box, with a very nice photograph of one of the featured aircraft in pristine condition on the top, is crammed full of plastic and is a typical example of Hasegawa's practice of getting the most out of their molds. There are two sprues specifically identified for the TA-4, one labeled "A-4M,” with the remainder of the plastic sprues being labeled "A-4." There is an additional sprue of a material, identified as "UR," that has a tail pipe extension and blade antennas specifically for an Israeli TA-4. The kit instructions recommend CA glue for these parts, so they're probably not plastic, yet they come on a sprue and feel and cut softer than resin or plastic. For purposes of this review, right or wrong, I'll call them urethane. Since there are parts for… more

Decal Packaging

F/A-18 Superbug CAG & Special Scheme Decals Part 3

Company: Afterburner Decals

What’s in the Bag?

The presentation of every Afterburner decal I’ve ever seen is very eye-catching, and this one is no exception. The cover sheet has left-side profiles of the 8 aircraft represented in the package, along with a color print of the squadron patch of each aircraft. Flip the baggie over and you’re presented with a very colorful 8” x 10” decal sheet full of markings and stencils. Stick your meaty paws inside the baggie and it gets better. In addition to the 8” x 10” decal sheet, there is a 5” x 8” sheet with further markings and stencils, mostly black, white, and brown. All decals, printed by Cartograf, appear to be in register, shiny, sharply printed, and with excellent color saturation. They do, however, feel thicker than your typical aftermarket sheet; we’ll… more

Package cover sheet

6 Hikotai F-2A/B

Company: Afterburner Decals

OK guys, a show of hands; how many of you don’t like Hasegawa kit decals? You’ve had bad experiences with them and hate ‘em to the point that you won’t build or even buy a given Hasegawa kit unless you can get aftermarket decals for it? Not a problem for those F-Teen kits where you easily have many more aftermarket decal choices than kits. However, when it came to cool looking, non-gray jets, like the Mitsubishi F-2, you were stuck….until now.

What’s in the Bag?

Afterburner has solved the 1/48th scale F-2 problem with this excellent release, which, as decal sheets go, is a complete package. In the large, resealable plastic bag, you’ll find an attractive cover sheet with sample color profiles of included aircraft (see Cover Sheet); a large 8” x 10” decal sheet and a 2¾… more


6 Hikotai F-2A/B Decals

Company: Afterburner Decals

OK guys, a show of hands; how many of you don’t like Hasegawa kit decals? You’ve had bad experiences with them and hate ‘em to the point that you won’t build or even buy a given Hasegawa kit unless you can get aftermarket decals for it? Not a problem for those Hasegawa F-Teen kits where you easily have many more aftermarket decal choices than kits. However, when it came to cool looking, non-gray jets, like the Mitsubishi F-2, you were stuck….until now.

What’s in the Bag?

Afterburner Decals has solved the 1/48thscale F-2 problem with this excellent release, which, as decal sheets go, is a complete package. In the large, resealable plastic bag, you’ll find an attractive cover sheet with sample color profiles of included aircraft (see Cover Sheet); a large 8”… more