Bill Hollis

IPMS Number

Reviews By Author

Detail Parts

P-47D Wheel Wells

Company: Aires Hobby Models

This is a fine addition to the model maker’s resin arsenal by our friends over at Aires. It goes a long way toward addressing one of the weaker areas of many Thunderbolt kits.

The design of the original plane presents mold makers with something of a difficulty, given that the wheel wells of the lower mid-mounted wing extend into the fuselage. The fact that the wells on any P-47 model are eminently visible, and the full size version fairly complicated to boot, make matters more gnarly yet for the finesse- and detail-conscious modeler.

Some makers, like Monogram, simply ignore the issue and leave it to the builder to gloss over out-of-place seams in the well, or find other ways to deal with what can amount to a detail eyesore. Ironically, the engineers at Hasegawa neatly… more

Detail Parts

P-47M Cockpit Set

Company: Aires Hobby Models

Made specifically for the Tamiya 1/48 scale P-47 Bubbletop, this comprehensive aftermarket set comes in Aires’ usual blister package. Separately ensconced in a secondary bubble are photo etch and film parts, along with the usual blue instructions.

In fact, the instructions alone come in for any criticism that may be reasonably leveled at this set. They are composed entirely of minimalist exploded drawings spread over two sides of a single folded sheet of paper, with only number callouts and small notations in both English and Czech. There is no history or background text, and the modeler is left to his own devices concerning colors and, in many cases, actual part placement. However, none of this is really a detriment, and any halfway competent modeler with a reference book or… more

Box Art


Company: Dragon Models

One thing you can never say about Dragon kits is they don’t give you a whole bunch of plastic for your outlay of freshly printed samolians.

I’m sure the aftermarket folks will work their magic in resin and brass for this kit, but in reality, little of it is necessary to the builder who wants a neat, well detailed miniature of the prototype for his collection. It’s all right here in the box.

As we’ve said, if you like lots of plastic, there must be half a dead dinosaur in this box. Beaucoup interior parts including the requisite cockpit goodies are there along with nose cannon bay, multi-part wheel wells and two very nice “bonus” engines, which you do not have to use if the mood doesn’t strike you. There are no corresponding “open” cowling pieces to go along with them, so… more


Wings of the Luftwaffe, Flying Captured German Aircraft of World War II

Book Author(s): Capt. Eric Brown, CBE DSC AFC RN
Company: Specialty Press

Eric Brown is one of those very fortunate and rare individuals who happened to be not only in exactly the right place at the right time, but was eminently capable of extracting the most out of the opportunities presented him in the bargain. His qualifications and accomplishments as an airman leave most of the rest of us, military and civilian alike, deep in the shadows of the backfield. A distinguished combat veteran, he went on to become a world class test pilot logging test, experiment and evaluation time in 487 types of aircraft. In addition to 2,407 aircraft carrier landings, he has amassed a record of achievements, accomplishments, and awards that really do take the entire rear dust cover to list-without the need for filler and no double spacing. By anybody’s standard, Capt. Brown… more

Conversion Parts

Siemens-Schuckert D III - Standard & Early "No Cut" Conversion

Company: Roll Models

Loon Models bills this set as a “No Cut” conversion. It comprises a small number of tan resin pieces of moderate quality to directly replace styrene counterparts in Roden’s 1/32 scale Siemens-Schuckert D-III kit.

Included are two cowls, one a replacement for the “standard” number supplied in the kit and the second a later “cut back” version. Along with these are a “non vented” propeller hub, a separate engine frame assembly and a horizontal stabilizer/elevator assembly with the shorter span, narrow chord control surface of the earlier production D-III’s.

The parts come packaged in a zip lock bag inside a thermoform plastic box. There is a single sheet of written instructions with no pictures or diagrams, construction sequences, in-progress illustrations or references.… more