Al LaFleche

IPMS Number

Reviews By Author


Metal Fence Set A

Company: Matho Models

This small brass PE kit is packed in a zip-lock bag attached to a peg hangar which protects the item. It consists of one fret with two identical fence sections. The fence is 0.2 mm (just under 1 scale inch) thick with slight raised detail on the out facing side to give some dimension. Removed from the fret they are 35.6 mm tall (4.08 scale feet) and 43 mm wide (4.9 scale feet) You need to fold over a small section at each end to attach to a fence post (not included). Plastruct square posts will work for this. There are bolt heads etched into the edge to add realism.

Removing the parts from the fret was very easy. The website recommends a PE folding tool to fold over the bends and this is probably a good idea. I used a straight edge with a flat edged X-Acto blade and had some… more


World War I US Propaganda Posters (Set 1)

Company: Matho Models

Thanks to Matho Models for this sample.

During the First World War, it was common to see posters to support the effort, buy bonds and accept the sacrifices asked of people on the home front.

This item, packed in a zip lock bag with a hanger and cardstock backing, provides 22 various US posters in 1/35 scale printed on 0.1 mm semi-gloss paper. Under extreme magnification, reading glasses, Optivisor and magnifying lamp, I was able to see some signs of the printing process, however, under normal viewing conditions, these look fine. All but the finest print is readable, colors are sharp but muted enough to not be overwhelming. Each poster will need to be cut from the sheet using a straight edge and sharp X-Acto type blade. A couple will need closer than usual attention to… more


Beverage Boxes

Company: Matho Models

Thanks to Matho Models for this sample.

Modern personnel carriers are often seen with boxes of bottled water or soda in and about the crew compartment and cargo areas. As modelers, these can add a splash of color to otherwise drab subjects.

This item, packed in a zip lock bag with a hanger and cardstock backing. It provides 32 boxes on a sheet of paper. There are six each 12 and 24 can cases of Coke, four 36 can cases of Pepsi, four each of three sized cases of Evian water and four cases of Spa water. Each case needs to be carefully cut from the sheet of 0.1 mm paper using a straight edges and a sharp X-Acto type blade. Each box is printed as one piece and the folds should be very lightly scored to get a sharp edge. The paper responds well to a small drop of white glue… more


Wooden Pallets

Company: Matho Models

Thanks to Mathomodels for this sample.

This is a kit of two average sized wooden pallets used in transporting any number of products by way of some type of fork lift. They would be at home in a base camp, as debris in a modern setting, or in the bed of a truck. With some creative cutting of the parts, they could be displayed as broken or disassembled.

This small resin kit is packed in a zip-lock bag attached to a peg hangar. It includes 8 resin parts to make two compete wooden pallets that scale out to about 32 X 48 inches. Parts are cast in gray resin. At first glance, there appeared to be a very fine wood grain pattern, but this was lost to a coat of primer. There are two upper portions and six bases/legs. There are no instructions, but assembly is completely… more

Box Top

M792 Gama Goat Ambulance

Company: Tamiya

Thanks first to Tamiya USA for the review sample and to IPMS/USA for the chance to review this kit.


The Gama Goat was produced by CONDEC for use by the US Army and Marines. It was based on a design by Roger Gamaunt who patented his Flex-Trac based on a 1957 Swiss design, the Meili Metrac. It was a 6X6 vehicle in two connected modules, the tractor unit and the cargo unit. Since the cargo unit’s wheels were powered by way of a complex universal joint, it does not really qualify as a trailer except when the vehicle was in two wheel drive. It was initially powered by an air cooled Corvair engine which would later be replaced with a 3 cylinder 2 stroke Detroit Diesel engine. It was tested though much of the 1960’s and was accepted in service in 1968. Production… more


Point Pleasant 1774: Prelude to the American Revolution

Book Author(s): John F Winkler; Illustrator: Peter Dennis
Company: Osprey Publishing

In the months before the Battle of Lexington and Concord, Pennsylvania and Virginia had disputing claims over the trans-Appalachian area that would become southern Ohio and Kentucky. This area had been ceded by the French at the end of the French and Indian War, aka the Seven Years War. Of course, the native people, the Shawnee, Mingo, and their allies including members of the Delaware, Miami, Ojibwe, Kickapoo, Ottawa, Potawatomi and Wyandot, also contested the rights to his land.

In time, the colonists allied with each other and sent militias to take the land under the leadership of Virginia’s governor, John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore (Lord Dunmore). The regular armies, i.e., the Redcoats did not participate to any great degree in this campaign which culminated in the Battle… more


Montcalm’s Crushing Blow - French and Indian Raids Along New York’s Oswego River 1756

Book Author(s): René Chartrand; Illustrators: Peter Dennis Mark Stacey
Company: Osprey Publishing


The French and Indian War as the Seven Years War is known in the United States has gotten short shrift. Having grown up in a bi-cultural setting, French-Canadian and American, this period was barely, if ever, mentioned. Even in my college years, there was little said of this war. Most of us are only familiar with this period through THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. PBS did do a good documentary on the F&IW a few years back called THE WAR THAT MADE AMERICA and this is a good primer on the war and its impact.

It was not a war for cities, but one for territory along the frontier of Canada/New France and the British colonies along the east coast. That frontier ran through central New York State and out to Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburgh.) The French allied… more

Box Art

MPCV Buffalo with Bar Armor

Company: Bronco Models

Thanks to Dragon/Bronco and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this kit.


The MPCV (Mine Protected Clearing Vehicle) Buffalo produced by Force Protection Inc. came out of the US’s experience in Kosovo. It is considered a Class III MRAP. It’s a 6X6 with a V shaped hull to protect the 6 man crew. When installed, the spall liner protects the crew from 7.62 mm munitions as does the ballistic glass. Weighing in at 22 tons, it is powered by a Mack 450 hp diesel coupled to a 5 speed automatic transmission. It is capable of 65m mph. The V shaped hull provides protection from up a 20 kg mine or 15 kg IED. The A2 has an upgraded engine and transmission.

This is the second of three (so far) Buffalo kits produced by Bronco. The first is the basic kit with… more

Box Art

MK I "Female" British Tank, Special Modification for the Gaza Strip

Company: Master Box Ltd


Master Box’s 1/72 Mk I “Female” British tank with Gaza Modifications comes in a heavy card stock box that opens at either end. Inside is a resalable plastic bag holding the four plastic sprues, one flexible rubbery sprue (tracks), and a small plastic envelope for the decal sheet. The plastic sprues have about 60 parts, but about a quarter of them are reserved for a different variant of the tank.

The front of the box shows an example of the prototype in a Middle Eastern setting. The back has a four-view illustration that also doubles as a painting guide. Two colors are called out, Vallejo 988 Khaki for the main section of the tank and a mixture of gunmetal and black for the tracks.

In the Box

The eight-page instruction sheet gives a brief… more


Seal Team 6 Figure

Company: Spades Models

First thanks to Spade Models for the sample and the excellent customer support they provided and to Dick and Dave for offering me the opportunity to review this kit.


The kit arrived in a generic looking corrugated cardboard box with the company name on it. Opening that revealed a full color kit specific box of glossy cardstock. There are three pictures of the assembled and painted kit and the “back” has a brief history of Seal Team Six. This box is sealed with “QC Tape” top and bottom. Opening this reveals a plastic bag surrounding a plastic container box. This was so well designed, I had to look closely how to open it…It slides open. In here are two tightly fitted foam pads holding 6 zip lock bags, a 16 page hull color booklet, and a tightly sealed cellophane… more