This small sheet addresses some short comings in kits sold overseas. The lack of swastikas. Now I’m not sure if it is just a typo or a way to get by overseas censors by calling them svastikas versus swastikas.
Either way you know what you are getting. Eduard prints their own decals and these are just perfect. They are printed on a 1.5 x 2.5 inch decal sheet. The decals are very thin and very crisp. You get 12 swastikas in two sizes. The normal Bf-109 sized swaskitas are 300mm. You get eight swastikas in this scaled size. Later in the war there were some slightly larger sized, 400mm, ones used on wooden tails. There are four of these.
The sheet is a good addition if you need some swastikas for your Bf-109 for your Bf-109G. Your F and E are available on other sheet. Those may have a white surround but these do not.