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Review Author
Dave Morrissette
Published on

Aerobonus and Aires continue their excellent pilot releases with this 1/48th scale Soviet fighter pilot for the ICM I-153. The set comes in four parts: the head, body molded to the seat, and two arms. Casting is flawless with crisp detail and no air bubbles or imperfections.

Assembly is straightforward for the arms and head, cutting them easily from the pour block. The seat and body are not difficult but here’s a trick. Remove the head and arms and cut the pour block back to give access to the legs. Slowly trim them loose with a sharp knife and multiple score cuts or gently with a saw. Once done, cut the seat free and you and lightly sand the few seam lines and glue on the arms. I kept the head separate for painting. I used a slight dab of filler on the arms and a light sanding and primed the entire set with Alclad gray primer. I let this dry overnight.

Review Author
Jim Pearsall
Published on
Master Model

Here’s another of those handy little add-ons to save a model from the “shelf of not quite right models”. In this case it’s a replacement for that pitot tube which got broken off (or was never there) on a current project or a long-finished model.

I recently reviewed Master’s pitot for a 1/144 F-104 which didn’t have a pitot tube. This one is for a 1/144 F-105 where I had manufactured a pitot, but it wasn’t quite right. The pitot I manufactured was from a straight pin, and it was too short and too thick. The Master Model part took care of this.

I used a pair of small pliers to pull the old pitot out of the nose of the F-105. This left a hole ready to accept the new part, except the new part was much smaller than the old one. I filled the hole with gel-type CA, let it set for a couple of minutes, then put the new pitot in place. This was fine, except the nose cone didn’t match up with the new part. I used white glue as a sort of filler to get the parts to match up.

Book Author(s)
Author: Bouko de Groot Illustrator: Gerry Embleton
Review Author
Frank Landrus
Published on
Osprey Publishing

This is the first of two volumes with the second volume due out later this year that will cover the Cavalry, Artillery, and Engineers. Bouko de Groot was inspired to write these two volumes since there is a notable absence of any English language titles about the 80 years’ war. I counted 37 black and white photographs or illustrations. There are also thirty six color illustrations. Additionally, there is a map depicting the 125 battles during the eighty years’ war.

Military History has always fascinated Bouko de Groot. He earned a BA in Art History and an MA in Egyptology from Leiden University. Bouko de Groot served in the Dutch Army and has authored a number of academic, popular scientific and business journalistic articles. He spent at least eight years working in Shanghai working for IHS Fairplay, publishing daily online maritime news, along with weekly and monthly magazines.

Review Author
Chad Richmond
Published on
MCW Finishes

This review covers the following MCW Military Paints:

  • MIL-1102 Lichtblau RLM76
  • MIL-1105 Grauviolett RLM75
  • MIL-1010 Graugrun RLM74
  • MIL-5003 40% Flat Clear – Flat

The paints are available at $7.50 per bottle.

Book Author(s)
Adrian M. Balch
Review Author
Frank Landrus
Published on
Warpaint Books, Ltd.

Warpaint’s latest is their standard A4 format softbound publication in 52 pages (including covers) on the Westland Scout and Wasp helicopters. The book is split into two, with the first half dedicated to the Westland Scout and the second to the Westland Wasp. I counted 122 color photographs and 19 black and white pictures, along with 32 of Richard J. Caruana’s color profiles. Richard J. Caruana also contributes the four 1/48 line drawings.