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Manufacturers, publishers, and other industry members: IPMS/USA is pleased to offer your company the opportunity for product reviews. All product reviews are performed by IPMS/USA members, and are posted in the publicly-accessible section of our website. With very few exceptions, we perform full build reviews of new kit releases, aftermarket products, and supplies. If you would care to provide product samples for review, please contact John Noack, IPMS/USA 1st VP.

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Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

I love the Hawker Hurricane even more than the Spitfire. The Hasegawa kit is a very nice kit but the wheel well is pretty basic. Aires provides a very nice upgrade.

The Aires wheel well comes on two pour blocks. In my example, the larger major assembly is molded perfectly in light grey resin. The detail is impressive and far superior to the kit offering. The pour block will be a little bit of a pain to remove but some simple sanding will take care of that. The other pour block is molded in light caramel with remarkable detail on the eight pieces. Removal of these pieces will be easy enough and clean up will be a breeze.

The instructions are simple enough to understand and should be no problem for most. Online references are easy enough to find if your library is lacking or you need to clarify anything.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

I love the way Quickboost attacks a subject. If something is bothering you and you just want to upgrade that component you don’t need to buy a whole set, just what you want. It is with that philosophy that Quickboost releases these gun barrels for the Hasegawa Stuka. On the heels of their exhaust, propeller blades, control sticks and wing guns for the Stuka, come these MG-81Z barrels.

Perfectly formed in light grey resin, these barrels are very delicately molded with no mold lines. In addition to the hollowed out barrels, the barrels themselves have some beautifully molded cooling fins. Simply remove the kit barrels, paint the QB barrels and add. Did I mention there are enough barrels to do two kits?

Highly recommended

Thanks to Aires for the review copy. You can obtain your copy from your local hobby shop, online retailer or directly from Aires.

Book Author(s)
Peter Vacher
Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Grub Street

Many of us dream about finding a warbird in a garage and being able to restore it. Well at least I do. Well, that is pretty much what happened to Peter Vacher while traveling in India in the 90s. Not only did he find a warbird, but it was a veteran of the Battle of Britain. A Hurricane Mk.I! This is the story of how he acquired the airplane and ultimately restored it to flying condition.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

Do you think that the antenna on any of the Spitfire kits looks a little too thick? If you are like me, do you hate to remove the mold lines? Well Quickboost fixes both of these issues. Molded in light caramel color these little gems are bubble and blemish free. You get three antennas for use on any model of the Spitfire. Adding them is so simple; each antenna has a mounting peg which will fit directly into the kit spot.

Highly recommended

You can obtain your copy at your local hobby shop or online.

Our thanks to Quickboost and Aires for the review sample.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

These simple, yet effective, exhausts are typical of Quickboost exhausts, perfectly formed with hollowed ends. The parts are molded in light grey, blemish free resin. The Hs-126 has two very small exhausts and these are easy enough to add to your ICM Henschel.

Highly recommended

You can obtain your copy at your local hobby shop or online.

Our thanks to Quickboost and Aires for the review sample.