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Review Author
Dave Morrissette
Published on
Master Model

This excellent set from Master Models in Poland is direct replacements for the kits parts. The larger pitot tube is aluminum and the AOA probes are brass (or at least that is the color they are!)

The pitot tube is excellent with better shape that the corresponding plastic part and no seam to clean up. It fits in the same location so it is a straight replacement. The AOA probes will need holes drilled out but it is also an easy, no brainer.

As many times in my model building life as I have had to replace or repair probes like this that snap off due to handling or moving to contests, these sets are perfect, durable and more correct than the kit parts. Highly recommended and at a very reasonable prices

My thanks to Master Models and IPMS/USA for a chance to perk up my 1/32 Tornado.

Book Author(s)
David Doyle
Review Author
Rick Bellanger
Published on
Squadron Signal Publications

In the early 1980's, while on active duty in the US Navy, I was stationed at Harbor Clearance Unit One, Detachment, San Diego (or as we called it Harbor Cleaners San Diego). Our unit was tasked to handle ALL Diving, Repair and Salvage, on the West Coast of the USA from San Diego to Alaska. While assigned to this unit, we were tasked with some pretty exciting jobs. We handled everything from Ships Husbandry , Searches, Towing, Recoveries and Salvage. In 1983, I had the privilege to be tasked with one of the most unique jobs I ever did, I was be part of the Towing crew for the USS Missouri. The Battleship was just taken out of the mothball fleet (inactive ships placed in storage for possible reuse) in Bremerton, Washington and prepared to be towed to Long Beach Naval Shipyard in California. She and her sisters were to be modernized for use. Being a Navy Diver we were tasked with riding the ship, while under tow, to undertake in any emergency actions such as fire or flooding.

Book Author(s)
Lou Drendel
Review Author
Dave Koukol
Published on
Squadron Signal Publications

Indispensible to scale modelers since the 1970’s is Squadron/Signal’s “In Action” series of books chronicling history’s great aircraft, armor, and naval vessels – featuring developmental and operational backgrounds and outstanding reference photos of details and markings.

Review Author
Tim Hortman
Published on

Here is another detail set from the folks at Aires/Quickboost: Stabilizers for the WWII Japanese Army Fighters Ki-61 or Ki-100 Tony.

This detail set will work with ANY of the 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-61 Hein “Tony” or Ki-100 kits on the market today. All of these aircraft shared the same basic airframe, and this detail set will work with them all.

As shown in the photos, this Quickboost detail set has four resin parts for the horizontal stabilizers on these fighters. The builder must cut the parts from the resin, and remove a little flash before gluing the flaps in place. This is a very quick, easy, and inexpensive way to give your model that little extra detail.

The detail of these parts is on par with what you get in the kit. I recommend this detail set to you if you want an easy way to drop the flaps on your next 1/48 Hein project – especially of you don’t own a razor saw to cut the original kit parts that.

Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

Eduard. Say “Almost Perfect Instrument Panels.” Something I cannot do by my own hand…yet Eduard continues to provide excellent detail sets for not only instruments and switch panels, but also seat belts and ejection seat details. Thanks most high to our friends at Eduard for providing IPMS USA a chance to review more of their excellent sets!