UMM-USA has provided us with a Double Beveled 2.5 mm Gliding Scriber tool. The scriber is made from hardened steel and will be able to scribe plastic and resin. The double bevel feature will allow the modeler the ability to scribe into tight 90-degree corners that, through the molding process, may have left behind a small radius of material from styrene injection, resin molded parts, or loose printer tolerances of 3-D resin.
On sample parts from my spares box, the scriber cuts effortlessly into plastic. Using a spare wing’s interior side, I used a metal ruler as a guide to make some straight lines and freehanded some other lines.
Using a spare 1/48 scale missile and bomb with molded fins, I was able to create a nice sharp scribed edge where the fins meet the surface of the ordnance. The other fin I left as molded for a visual comparison of how a few swipes of this scriber adds great detail.