Whenever you open the bag for this decal set, you get a bunch of stuff. You get two decal sheets that are crammed with markings for four separate Me 109F-4 Tropical aircraft belonging to Hans Joachim Marseille from his 52ndaerial victory to his 151stvictory. Sadly, though, there are only enough stencils and walkways for one aircraft. The arrangement of the decals keeps you hunting for the partner in the case of two-part decals but this may have been done for printing reasons. The markings for Marseille’s kubelwagen are enough to make you go get a Tamiya kit.
The second instruction sheet gives you a detailed history of each of the four aircraft, including where it was manufactured, which kills Marseille had with that aircraft, and peculiarities of the aircraft itself or its markings. This includes his kubelwagen.