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Book Author(s)
Jean Paul Pallud
Review Author
Frank Landrus
Published on
Pen and Sword Books Ltd

The origin of Pen & Sword Books is closely linked with its sister company, the Barnsley Chronicle; one of the UK's oldest provincial newspapers, established in 1858, and one of the few weeklies still in private ownership. The first books published by the company were in response to public demand following a series of articles published in the newspaper: Dark Peak Aircraft Wrecks told the story of crash sites in the Dark Peak area of the Peak District National Park, and a further weekly feature on the history of two Kitchener battalions, known as the "Barnsley Pals", aroused a thirst for more information. Following on from the success of those books, several local history paperbacks were produced along with a series of battlefield guidebooks. Battleground Europe proved immediately successful, and the company made the decision to launch a book publishing arm of the group.

Book Author(s)
Friedrich Georg
Review Author
Michael Furry
Published on
Helion & Company

Every once in a while, a book comes along that you can’t put down. For me, it’s typically a fictional mystery. Hitler’s Miracle Weapons, Volume 2 offers all the suspense of a fiction mystery, except that it’s not. It’s non-fiction, is full of surprising facts, offers clues to mysteries still yet to be solved, and will keep you wanting more.

The use of rockets and rocket-powered flying craft by the Third Reich is not a new discovery, but what were the real intentions in terms of the development and use of these strange and mysterious weapons? Was Wernher von Braun just reaching for the stars? What secrets are still hidden in large underground rocket bunkers in France and Germany? Why are many documents regarding Hitler’s rocket program still classified today? Was there a V-Weapons atomic rocket unit?

If you are curious about any of these questions and many more, this book is an absolute must-read.

Review Author
Andy Taylor
Published on

“Seidentasche aus dem Ohr einer Sau” is German for “Silk purse from a sow’s ear.” I like older kits and have a soft spot for building something beautiful from an old kit; however, when a kit is newly released, I expect more than a model from the 1970s. This kit traces its lineage to ESCI Kit No. 8026 (first released in 1974). This version of the kit first entered Italeri as Kit No. 7018 in 2004 with new decals. This kit (7018 on Italeri’s website, 557018 on MRC’s website) has amazing box art of a Panther Ausf A with Zimmerit, schürzen, new decals for five versions, link-and-length tracks, and one figure. Apart from the decals, this kit is the same as the previous Italeri version from 21 years ago, which is the same Esci kit going back over fifty years.

Reference the MRC website (https://www.modelrectifier.com/product-p/557018.htm),

Book Author(s)
Dariusz Karnas, Karolina Holda
Review Author
Pablo Bauleo
Published on
Mushroom Model Publications - MMP Books

MMP Books continues to expand its Colour & Scale series, this time with an issue devoted to the Messerschmitt Bf 109G in Finnish Service. At 16 pages long, the book is brief (rather a booklet) but it is very useful and packed with information.

The first seven pages include line drawings of the Bf109G in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. I am not completely sure, but I would say that all the drawings are for the “G-6”, one of the most popular “109”s, which was used by several air forces, making the drawings of value beyond the Finnish Air Force

The next eight pages have ful- color profiles for selected airframes, including: MT-415, MT-435, MT-451, MT-445, MT-455, MT-423, MT-426, MT-456, MT-437, MT-458, MT-231 (the lone G-2 in the book), MT-449, MT-431 and MT-453.

All the G-6 airframes are in typical RLM 74/75/76 with Eastern Front markings while the G-2 has an unusual 74/76 camouflage. None of the aircraft feature the “Warpaint” Finnish scheme of Green/Black/Light Blue.

Review Author
Doug Cole
Published on
Atlantis Model Company

This review covers the Lighthouse 1:160 Scale Atlantis L70779. Its 22 pieces are molded in white and clear and has a battery (Two CR2032’s) powered light that fades at the top of the tower.

This kit’s scale, Aka "N" scale, is meant to be displayed separately or with numerous N scale ships and model railroads. This kit was originally released by Lindberg in 1969 and most recently re-issued in 2023 by Atlantis Models. Finished dimensions are~ L-11.5”W-6.5” H-10.5.”

Overall, it’s a nice level 2 snap kit but adding some glue in places is really a good idea, and we’ll show where to do that. There is also a leftover error that must be addressed for realism. Detailing the base is mandatory and the use of washes will really make details stand out. Rigging the poles is tricky but a product called EZLine makes it simple. The use of clear tint on the beacon’s lenses will enhance the kit for that extra touch.