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Manufacturers, publishers, and other industry members: IPMS/USA is pleased to offer your company the opportunity for product reviews. All product reviews are performed by IPMS/USA members, and are posted in the publicly-accessible section of our website. With very few exceptions, we perform full build reviews of new kit releases, aftermarket products, and supplies. If you would care to provide product samples for review, please contact John Noack, IPMS/USA 1st VP.

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Book Author(s)
John Alcorn
Review Author
Brian R. Baker
Published on
Albatros Productions, Ltd.

This is the second of two volumes dealing with the history of the DeHavilland DH-9A, and continues the story of the postwar development and service of this most versatile biplane. The first volume generated a lot of feedback, so a number of points are clarified, and more details are included, although the main thrust of this issue is the postwar service and development, as well as the Russian copies that were produced as the R-1 after the Bolshevik Revolution. Since there are a couple of kits available of this aircraft, at least in 1/72 scale, the book will be of special interest for those of us who model World War I and “Tween the Wars” airplanes.

Review Author
Ed Kinney
Published on
Fisher Model and Pattern

It is my distinct pleasure to present to you Paul Fisher’s latest full resin kit effort, the RB-51 “Red Baron”. I guess what surprises me most, having had the opportunity to build and review each of his magnificent 1/32nd scale aircraft kits, is his innate ability to continue to raise the bar on himself each time. This one is no exception, Paul having produced quality models for 32 years now.

His kits come to you in a very sturdy cardboard box, very carefully hand packed and wrapped in several layers of tissue by Paul’s lovely wife Suzy. I mean c’mon! What more could you ask for? No kidding, you really don’t see very many like this in today’s market. After the tissue is removed and the exquisitely cast resin pieces are exposed, it is top quality as far as the eye can see.

Review Author
Chris Smith
Published on

A product of the brilliant yet practical designer Ed Heinemann, the Skyhawk was a simple lightweight naval attack jet that served the U.S. Navy and Marines far beyond what anyone expected. One of its standout roles was serving as the mount of the U.S Navy’s Blue Angels aerobatic team from 1974 to 1986. These Naval ambassadors dazzled hundreds of thousands of people with their precision maneuvers, which the A-4, with its phenomenal roll rate, was capable of doing. I had the opportunity to witness these aircraft in action at the Pt. Mugu NAS in my teens. I was looking forward to sharing a shiny blue and gold bird with you until I saw the decal sheet. This is the original Monogram kit we all know which, in spite of its raised panel lines, still holds up against its contemporaries. There are decals for the Blue Angel birds 1 thru 4 but the other option is that of Senator John S. McCain’s A-4E as it looked in June 1967 when he was assigned to the Klansmen of VA-45.

Review Author
Chip Jean
Published on
Afterburner Decals

OK guys, a show of hands; how many of you don’t like Hasegawa kit decals? You’ve had bad experiences with them and hate ‘em to the point that you won’t build or even buy a given Hasegawa kit unless you can get aftermarket decals for it? Not a problem for those Hasegawa F-Teen kits where you easily have many more aftermarket decal choices than kits. However, when it came to cool looking, non-gray jets, like the Mitsubishi F-2, you were stuck….until now.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Loon Models

Roll Models has come out with their own brand of aftermarket resin parts, Loon Models and we'll review two sets in this review- a gun pack set and a set to modify G-10 wings and wheels.

The gunboat Messerschmitt Bf-109 contains some of the best looking markings for the 109. So what is unique about this set? Well for one the centerline gun pod. As far as I can recall this is the only way you can get the centerline gun pod without scratch building it. The packaging refers you to the AJ Press #17 for pictures of the actual pod and installation. This will be very helpful. This will make your 109 different from the rest.

The wing gun pods are nicely detailed, but they don’t look much different from the kit offerings.

Everything is molded in blemish and bubble free light caramel resin you get six pieces, two wing pods, one centerline pod and three 20mm cannons. Each piece will require just a quick little cleanup and each pod will need the hole enlarged for the gun.