Yahu Models has provided the IPMS reviewer corps with a 1/48th scale P-38L Lightning instrument panel. The base kit for this upgrade is designated for the Tamiya P-38J Lightning kit (61123). Referencing warbirdsresourcegroup.org, the “L” variant was an improved “J” variant with new engines and new rocket pylons. Thus, no differences in the airframe external shape. Of the P-38L-LO variant, 3,810 were built.
In the Package
The instrument panel (IP) detail set is enclosed in a plastic bag with one (1) photoetched (PE) IP already assembled, one (1) clear acetate sheet with printed detail, two (2) PE etched sheets for other cockpit panels. My sample review was missing the PE sheet that would have added detail to part M24. I did note in the pictures which part was missing.