ICM, a model manufacturer located in Kiev, Ukraine has exploded on the scene in the last several years. They choose a variety of interesting subjects, including from the Ukraine. I think I speak for many in the modeling community that it is amazing when the country is beleaguered by a war with Russia, they can continue to operate at the tempo they have chosen to pursue. The Kozak is a domestically produced MRAP in the Ukraine. This kit is a variant of the Kozak-2 that was released in 2023. This kit is the border guard version of the same vehicle. As a kit, it is virtually identical to the previous release. The exception is the vehicles weapon and the color schemes that are found are different.
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Introduction: The primary organization of the IPMS/USA Review website is by IPMS/USA National Contest Class. Within each Class there are sub-menus by kits, decals, books, etc. The Miscellaneous Class is for items that are not class specific or that cross two or more classes.
IPMS/USA Members: We encourage you to submit reviews, both here and to the Journal. To volunteer for membership in the IPMS/USA "Reviewers Corps" and submit your own reviews, please read the Guidelines For Submitting Product Reviews.
Manufacturers, publishers, and other industry members: IPMS/USA is pleased to offer your company the opportunity for product reviews. All product reviews are performed by IPMS/USA members, and are posted in the publicly-accessible section of our website. With very few exceptions, we perform full build reviews of new kit releases, aftermarket products, and supplies. If you would care to provide product samples for review, please contact John Noack, IPMS/USA 1st VP.
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Illustraited by: By Jakub Fojtik
Guideline Publications Guideline Publications is the UK's leading publisher of modeling and hobby-related magazines. With a world-class portfolio of titles and an international Social Media presence, Guideline Publications has a dedicated readership that is constantly expanding into new areas. This English language book, Mil Mi-4 Hound, is authored by Jakub Fojtik, Ph.D. and illustrated by Petr Kolmann. The latest in Guideline’s Warpaint series, 144, was published on September 1, 2024. A digital edition will soon be available. The latest on Guideline’s publications can be found on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/guidelinepub/
Finding the center of a project can be frustrating, to say the least. You could eyeball it, but let’s face it, I’ve never had great luck at it. Enter this cool tool from 3D Peco and UMM-USA.
This tool is easy to use. Simply slide the item onto the apex of the tool. Make a line. Rotate the part or the tool and make another line. Repeat as necessary. Where they all meet is the exact center. Then just drill your hole. Simple and easy to do.
This is another tool which I didn’t realize I needed until I got it. There are various sizes available. If you scratch build, this is an essential tool. You won’t figure out how you lived without it once you use it.
Highly recommended
Thanks to UMM-USA and IPMS/USA for the review copy. You can obtain yours directly from UMM-USA. Let them know you saw it on the IPMS/USA website.
If you want to do a diorama it usually requires the purchase of a lot of items. Well, ICM has a solution for you with this boxing. It includes everything you will need except for figures and airplanes. Let’s see what is in the box.
Included in a sturdy carboard box with a cover with a nice photo of the contents. Instructions are included in an eight-page booklet. The last two pages are painting instructions. They are printed on high quality paper with full color painting instructions/decal placement. Two sheets of decals are included, one for the bombs and one for the guard shack. They look and work perfectly. There are NINE sprues of light grey plastic that is flash free. The grey is a little soft. That is a good/bad thing. Good when gluing but a bit of a challenge when cleaning up small and thin pieces. More on that later.
MRC has provided the IPMS/USA reviewer corps with Trumpeter’s new 2024 tooled 1/72nd scale US M1240 M-ATV MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected – All Terrain Vehicle).
In the Box
The kit is enclosed in a top open box with a photo of the completed kit on the cover. Inside are several bags of sprues and parts all individually wrapped for protection. Five (5) tires are bagged and made from black vinyl. Also, enclosed is a small decal sheet and die-cut masks for the clear parts. The instructions are well illustrated with 29 steps.
Review Process
Trumpeter has you starting with assembling the chassis. Steps 1-13 covers the entire chassis assembly and because of the independent suspension of each wheel, I ran into some alignment issues at the very end. So, care must be taken to make sure all four (4) axles are installed properly so that all the tires are touching a flat surface in the end.