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Review Author
Scott A. Bregi
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Another outstanding addition to the Aires line of resin cockpit sets. This set for the Hasegawa 1:72nd scale J-35 Draken is beautifully cast in a medium grey resin and features extremely minute details to include sidewall structure. Anyone who loves The Saab Draken will want to add this set to their model. .

The only problem I had and one to pay attention to is fitting of the glare shield under the front windscreen. I inadvertently removed too much plastic and this left gaps near where the windscreen fits to the fuselage. I recommend test fitting often and only remove a very small amount of the plastic at a time. It is way too easy to remove too much material.

Review Author
Hub Plott
Published on
Airscale Model Aircraft Enhancements

The two decal sets are in clear register, well printed and of great use to the aircraft modeler. Those that scratch build their own instrument panels will find these immensely useful. As one who builds a lot of resin kits I can see these being of great benefit there as well. They also will enhance a kit instrument panel going over the raised detail. Lastly, the gauge decals also include a small rectangle of clear, thin plastic so those with a punch and die set can make their own glass covers for the instruments.

Book Author(s)
Terry M. Love
Review Author
Brian R. Baker
Published on
Flying Books International

The Story

I bought this book because it was recommended to me by David W. Menard, the noted aviation historian and photographer, after I asked him some questions about American liaison aircraft used in Europe during World War II. Dave suggested that I contact Terry Love, the author, and the result was that I now have a copy of the book. I’m glad I bought it, because it certainly fills a gap in my library, and fills me in on some of the “L” types that were used during the war, and the reason why they were developed at that time. Although the book was originally published in 2001, I was not aware of it until now.

Review Author
Scott A. Bregi
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Another outstanding addition to the Aires line of resin detail and upgrade sets. This set for all versions of the venerable Hasegawa 1:72ndscale J-35 Draken. It may be able to fit to other kits but that is for you to find out! It is exquisitely cast in a medium grey resin and features extremely minute details absent from the kit parts. Anyone who loves The Saab Draken will want to add this set to their model. .

Only place to watch out for is cleaning up the inside seams at the top and bottom of the aft fuselage as this will be visible after the new tailpipe is installed. Again test fit many times before committing to glue. I had to install a stop bar of sorts behind and inside the fuselage to keep the nozzle from falling inside.

Aficionados of the Saab Draken will want to add this set to their pride and joy; and don’t forget these other sets:

Review Author
Mark Aldrich
Published on
Pro Art Models

Pro Art Models has been around since 2002. I first found out about them when I was looking for aftermarket items to hop-up the Italeri HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck). They were one of the only names in the game. They had details for the interior, exterior, the fuel pump system and tires. They now carry a highly detailed rear mounted crane. They also carry a few radio sets that are absolutely gorgeous. There are currently three US distributors of Pro Art Models: Master Modelers Marketplace in Beaverton, OR, R&J Enterprises in Quilcene, WA and Military Hobbies in Orange, CA. You can also order direct from their site. They take MasterCard, Visa and my favorite PAYPAL.