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Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Continuing the build of F-102’s: Having just built the Encore F-102A, I had offered my services to build one of my stash Revell/Monogram F-102A kits around these Aires items. They are simple upgrades, with major appearance improvements. Aires continues to set an almost unbeatable standard for detail. Their fit has improved greatly over the years, and once complete, you have a work of art at reasonable cost.

First, the wheel wells. The main gear well requires you to remove part of the existing interior hump from the upper wing surface, locating pins for the kit wheel well bulkheads, and sand down the back of the beautifully-done one-piece main wheel well supplied by Aires. This done, the well slipped into place and was glued down without problems. The wing halves were then glued together. An excellent fit on all accounts.

Review Author
Walt Fink
Published on

The Kit

Revell's new release of Chevrolet's uber-Muscle Car is molded in white plastic, and is a modification of their basic Corvette mold, with extra parts included specific to the ZR1. A little reference to part numbers is needed because the regular Corvette C6 ones will fit on the ZR1, but I’m not sure things like the exhausts and headers would match up if they were interchanged.

The build is straightforward with no vices, though a little parts cleanup helps things fit together better. The four-lobe Eaton supercharger isn't a great fit to the engine block unless the top of the block is sanded flatter along its seam. On the plus side, the headers have real locating pins to fit into the block, not just nubs which sit in shallow depressions.

Review Author
Roger Carrano
Published on
Dragon Models

Part 1. First Look

Before I get onto reviewing this model, I would like to give a little background information about this aircraft.

The Messerschmitt Bf110 served in the Luftwaffe throughout WWII. Even though it wasn’t very popular with the German pilots at that time it was developed into a successful night fighter, in spite of its poor handling characteristics. Later on it was found that it would make a great night-fighter and then became the backbone of the German Luftwaffe night fighter wing of WWII. Some of these units were formed as early as 1940.

In August/September 1943, Bf110 aircraft shot down over 2700 RAF bombers. Also, in just one night without fighter cover, these aircraft destroyed at least 120 RAF bombers. The Bf110D was a long-range heavy fighter and/or fighter-bomber, while the improved and up-armored Bf110E was designed primarily as a fighter-bomber.

Review Author
Fred Amos
Published on

The Nakajima Ki-27 “Nate” was a successful low-wing monoplane, all metal fighter design used by the Empire of Japan throughout World War II. Conceived of as a private venture design by the Nakajima Corporation, the Ki-27 was soon debuted and accepted by the Japanese Army. It was the equivalent of the Navy A5M.

If I recall correctly, when Hasegawa first produced this kit it was Kit # 001, so that leads me to believe the Ki-27 was the first 1/48 kit produced by Hasegawa. I could be wrong so don’t quote me on it.

Book Author(s)
Thomas J. Kowalski
Review Author
Charles Landrum
Published on
Kagero Publishing

I am tempted to re-title this book "Albatros D.I - D.Va: Legendary Polish Fighter" because it really takes a more Eastern European perspective on this iconic family of aircraft. This is refreshing because too often books on WWI German aircraft present a Western Front perspective. The Eastern Front was a different theater with differing imperatives, challenges and solutions. Complicating the war effort was the polyglot force that made up the Austrian-Hungarian military forces, of which Poland was a part.

The book takes a narrative approach to the subject, being more about the stories than technical specifications while still including the latter. It covers all of the Albatros fighters including: D.1, D.II, D.III, D.III Oeffag, D.V, D.Va, Dr.II and W.4. But the emphasis really is on the most successful aircraft - the D.III (including the Oeffag built version) and the D.V. The chapter organization is as follows: