Description and History
Quoting from Dragon’s web site product description:
“The 5.6-ton K18 was of 10.5cm caliber, and was based on the high-speed towing carriage of the s.FH.18. Designed to be a long-range medium artillery piece, it was the standard weapon in medium artillery battalions. The gun had a range of 20,850 yards, and it remained in service throughout the war. A crew of ten operated this howitzer that was first introduced in 1934”
In the Box
This kit has approximately 231 styrene parts - approximately 228 parts on seven gray sprues and three parts on a clear sprue. Also in the kit are 2 etched brass parts, 2 etched nickel parts, 2 brass-tubing parts, 1 decal sheet and one turned aluminum barrel with rifling. There are 8 pages of instructions with 12 steps and painting guides for 3 schemes.