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Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

I hate using rubber tires on my model kits. So whenever anyone such as Trumpeter comes out with a kit that has them I cringe at the thought of using them. Luckily for me, Aires offers a replacement set of wheels. You get two main wheels, a tail wheel and the strut.

These perfectly cast replacement parts are simply gorgeous. These are some of the best wheels for the Friedrich I’ve seen. They are beautifully cast in light grey resin. Of course just having wheels is not Aires style, so they include a set of masks for them. The tail wheel itself is as good as a casting as you are ever going to see. The area between the forks and tail wheel is hollow and simply perfect. The pour stubs are easy to remove.

Although designed for the Trumpeter kit you could easily use this set on a Hasegawa or 21stCentury kit. This set is simple yet detailed and will add to your kit and you won’t even have to worry about the rubber eating the plastic or drying out.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

The Trumpeter Bf-109F-4 is a nice kit but there are some pieces that could be better. One of those things is the Tropical Filter. This beautifully cast three piece affair is simply inserted into the supercharger scoop and your Freidrich is a Tropical version. I see no reason that this filter couldn’t be used to upgrade the Hasegawa kit filter. This set could also be used on the Bf-109G-2/4/6 kit as well.

You get an open filter assembly with two mounts. The filter has some really fine screen that is perfectly cast and representative of the real thing.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Quickboost, Aires Hobby Models and IPMS/USA for the review copy.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

The Dragon Ta-154 Moskito Tri-kit will benefit from this simple update set. Cast in light tan/grey resin the six pieces will add to the look of the kit. The set includes five air inlets and a pitot tube. The air inlets are hollowed out perfectly, especially noticeable in the larger ones. The set is the easy to use and simply replaces kit parts. I guarantee I could not have gotten such a deep cut that looked as good. The pitot tube is very thin and perfectly straight. The only thing I worry about is the fragility of the pitot tube. Overall, a very simple upgrade to the Moskito.

This set could also be used on the Promodeler Ta-154.

Thanks to Quickboost, Aires Hobby Models and IPMS/USA for the review copy

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

If you are like me, you like to articulate your elevators but you are never happy with the way it comes out. Well Quickboost makes that a whole lot easier. This set has four light tan resin pieces which replace the kit horizontal stabilizer and elevators. The trailing edges of the stabilizer are thinned and have a concaved area that the elevators, which are rounded on the leading edge, will slot into. The Tamiya kit is a really nice looking kit and this set will just make it that much nicer. It is up to the modeler to position the elevator as they wish. Don’t forget to offset the control stick.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Quickboost, Aires Hobby Models and IPMS/USA for the review copy.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

I love the look of the Cyber-Hobby Bf-110s, especially the separate engines. One of those things that even slide mold technology won’t mold as well as I’d have liked is the oil tanks. Quickboost offers you two replacement oil tanks complete with the filler ports and lead in holes for wire for those so inclined. A very simple resin addition that could be a beginning for a scratch builder.

The oil tanks are molded in light grey resin that is blemish free. They would be very nice addition to your model. If you have never worked with resin or done any scratch building this is a good first kit to try it on.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Quickboost, Aires Hobby Models and IPMS/USA for the review copy.