Welcome to the IPMS/USA Reviews site!

Introduction: The primary organization of the IPMS/USA Review website is by IPMS/USA National Contest Class. Within each Class there are sub-menus by kits, decals, books, etc. The Miscellaneous Class is for items that are not class specific or that cross two or more classes.

IPMS/USA Members: We encourage you to submit reviews, both here and to the Journal. To volunteer for membership in the IPMS/USA "Reviewers Corps" and submit your own reviews, please read the Guidelines For Submitting Product Reviews.

Manufacturers, publishers, and other industry members: IPMS/USA is pleased to offer your company the opportunity for product reviews. All product reviews are performed by IPMS/USA members, and are posted in the publicly-accessible section of our website. With very few exceptions, we perform full build reviews of new kit releases, aftermarket products, and supplies. If you would care to provide product samples for review, please contact John Noack, IPMS/USA 1st VP.

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Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

Eduard. Say “Almost Perfect Instrument Panels.” Something I cannot do by my own hand…yet Eduard continues to provide excellent detail sets for not only instruments and switch panels, but also seat belts and ejection seat details. Thanks most high to our friends at Eduard for providing IPMS USA a chance to review more of their excellent sets!

Book Author(s)
Paul R. Hare
Review Author
Brian R. Baker
Published on
Albatros Productions, Ltd.

The Story

In the past several years, interest in the FE-2 series has been generated by the construction of two flying replicas of this vintage biplane in New Zealand, and in 2009, Albatros Publications produced a multi-authored text entitled “The FE-2B Flies Again” which included both a history of the type and a description of the process in which two completely accurate replicas were built and flown. Following this, in the same year, Albatros author and historian Paul R. Hare produced a Windsock Datafile issue, #134, describing the FE-2D. This has been followed by this issue, describing the first production model, the FE-2B. All of these publications are worth having if you have any interest in World War I aircraft.

Review Author
Ed Kinney
Published on
Scale Aircraft Conversions
1/32 and 1/48

Well, it’s August and as no surprise, here are Ross McMIllan’s latest offerings in 6 brand new products from SAC. This may be old news to most of you, but these products add strength as well as accuracy to the kit gear and are designed as exact replacements. I believe that once you try some of these fine products, you’ll soon become a convert.

This month's list is as follows:

Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

One sure way to mess up the kit speculators is to re-release a rare kit. In this case, re-releasing the classic Monogram B-52 with X-15 combination was eagerly awaited, as some on the open market paid over $400 for this particular kit, which was released in the “Young Astronaut” series back in 1992 or so. Thanks to Revell/Monogram for providing us this excellent kit!

Review Author
Charles Landrum
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Aires has continued in its release of enhancements for the family of Trumpeter MiG-23 kits. Here is a look at what is now available for the cockpit. The first set, a multimedia KM-1 Ejection seat can be used not only for the MiG-23 but also the MiG-21. The other two sets are each unique to a specific variant of the MiG-23, the ML and the MF. Each of these sets is up to the standard that we expect from Aires.