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Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

Quickboost has always helped out the modeler by providing hollowed-out exhausts and other drop-in replacements for kit parts. This latest addition is the fishtail version of the Spitfire exhausts. It is molded perfectly in light grey resin with perfectly hollowed-out exhaust stacks. The fishtail would have made it near impossible for me to do that same amount of detail.

Like all of the Quickboost items, clean up is easy and you just have to replace the kit part. Easy, inexpensive and perfectly cast.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Quickboost and IPMS/USA for the review copy.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

Quickboost has always helped out the modeler by providing hollowed-out exhausts and other drop-in replacements for kit parts. This new addition is the round exhaust version of the Spitfire exhausts for the Airfix kit. They are molded perfectly in light grey resin with perfectly hollowed-out exhaust stacks. The tiny exhausts are perfect, far superior to anything that I could do with a pin vise and Opti-visor.

Like all of the Quickboost items, cleanup is easy and you just have to replace the kit part. Easy, inexpensive and perfectly cast.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Quickboost and IPMS/USA for the review copy.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Master Model

If you know me, you know I flew AH-1F Cobras in the US Army for over 10 years. The weapon system that was on the nose was the 20mm M197 Cannon. To say I was familiar with the subject of this review would be an understatement.

Master provides you with three exquisitely turned metal cannon barrels and associated clamps. Also provided is a small photo etch fret that contains the various clamps, such as the mid and end-barrel clamps and locking devices.

I could not believe the level of detail that the barrels contain. Every facetted side and a hollow end exhibits superior quality. There is absolutely nothing missing from these barrels. They are perfect miniature barrels. Perfect.

The only thing you have to do to these is assemble them and replace the kit barrels. The difference in look between these and the kits parts is quite impressive. The addition of these barrels to your MRC AH-1W Cobra will dramatically add to the realism of your model.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Master Model

The latest gun used by the Air Force to arm its fighters is the M61A1 Vulcan. This cannon is a 20mm rotary type used on every fighter from the F-104 onward.

This little gem contains six turned metal barrels, metal mid-barrel spacer ring, and end barrel clamp spacer. There is also a fret of photo etch which has the cooling fins and barrel clamps.

The hardest parts will be assembling the cooling fins on the end barrel clamp. After that, it is gravy and more realistic than anything that plastic can do.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Master Model and IPMS/USA for the review copy.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
Master Model

One of the easiest things to do with an aircraft model, at least for me, is to knock off the pitot tube, especially on the nose of my models. Well, thanks to Master Model Poland, that won’t be a factor anymore.

This turned metal pitot tube is perfectly formed with the proper taper. Mounting it is as easy as replacing the kit one. Drill a hole and that is it.

I can’t find anything wrong with this upgrade. You won’t find a better product of this delicate item. This, as with all the Master items, is manufactured to exact specifications and it looks absolutely perfect.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Master Model and IPMS/USA for the review copy.