Jon Diamond, MD, is a U.S.-based kidney specialist enthusiastic about World War II history. An avid collector of historical photographs, he has authored several titles in Pen and Sword's Images of War series, including Stilwell and the Chindits, War in the South Pacific, Invasion of Sicily, Invasion of the Italian Mainland: Salerno to Gustav Line, 1943–1944,Onto Rome 1944: Anzio and Victory at Cassino, and Beyond Rome to the Alps: Across the Arno and Gothic Line, 1944–1945. His works also include Op Plunder: The Rhine River Crossing.
Book Specifics
With over 220 black-and-white images, Normandy Beyond The Beaches is the latest offering from Pen and Sword, published in December 2024. This 209-page book measures 6.75 by 9.5 inches and includes an introduction, six chapters, an epilogue, and a bibliography.