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Review Author
Hub Plott
Published on
Model Art

Model Art is a well known Japanese model magazine. It is famous for high quality builds and photographs that fully live up to the publication’s name. This issue covers Grand Prix cars from the 1970’s and 1990’s as well as all aircraft of the Japanese Blue Impulse team. Other articles cover the Zvezda 1/48 Bf-109F2; 1/35 JGSDF Type 96 WAPC; 1/48 WWII Japanese Type 94 6-wheel truck; 1/700 USS Independence LCS-2; 1/24 Mazda AZ-1, and a 1985 Mazda RX-7 in 1/24 scale.

The first 40 pages give extensive photographic coverage to Lotus 79 from the 1979 French Grand Prix and the Williams FW14B from the Hungarian Grand Prix 1992. This section has a multitude of photos showing the completed models as well as detail shots of the real cars and photos of the model during construction.

Review Author
Rick Bellanger
Published on
Polar Lights

In September, 1964, a strange TV show appeared on our sets, The "Munsters". Using classic horror film characters as a base, the macabre humor of these frightening creatures with wise cracking dialogue, outrageous visual gags and fast motion cinematography made this show a hit. The show lasted 2 years (70 episodes) and was cancelled in May, 1966 due to an All New Color Batman taking all the ratings. It still can be seen in syndication and enjoyed by all.

We have Herman (played by Fred Gwynne), Lily (played by Yvonne DeCarlo) as his loving wife, Grandpa (played by Al Lewis) and Eddie (played by Butch Patrick) as their son. Unfortunately Marilyn (the less fortunate member of the family) and Spot the family fire breathing dragon pet is not depicted in this kit.

Book Author(s)
Glenn White
Review Author
Dan Mackay
Published on
Mushroom Model Publications - MMP Books

I was very excited to have the opportunity to review this title. I am very fortunate to have two of these featured Lancasters in my own back yard. I drive past the Calgary Aerospace Museum every day to and from work, I often stop in to view FM136 found on page 33. Also my inlaws live in southern Alberta and we visit them once or twice a month, highway 2 takes me thru the heart of Nanton and the Nanton Lancaster Society's FM159 (page 41) almost fully operational Lancaster MK X. As well my local club RMMC (Rocky Mountain Model Club, IPMS) holds its annual regional contest in the Nanton Lancaster Hangar usually the last weekend in May or the first Weekend in June (next contest June 4, 2011). So I have had the opportunity to climb inside and see the inside of this magnificant beast. Also during the contest the Society rolls the Lanc outside and fires up the two starboard engines (hopefully on June 4 the inner port will also be running).

Review Author
Dan Mackay
Published on

Years ago in SAM Volume 21 Number 2 April 1999 Dave Neale built a beautiful I-153 in Finnish Markings. In his build article he reworked the kit cowling making the needed corrections to depict the proper exhausts. The Heller kit simply comes with dimples for the exhaust ports that surround the cowling. Dave removed these dimples and drilled out holes in the cowling and made his own exhausts. For years I have wanted to make this kit but have chickened out in favor of less involved projects, because I would need to do as Dave did to do the kit justice.

Book Author(s)
Colin A. Owers
Review Author
Roger Rasor
Published on
Albatros Productions, Ltd.

The subject of this Datafile may seem somewhat eclectic to model builders who don’t have access to a mainstream kit that matches the subject. But this publication fills a significant void in aviation research and documents the history of an aircraft that has been generally ignored by most model companies (although one limited run 1/72 resin kit is currently available from Omega. Datafile 140 will be of value to anyone willing to tackle a most interesting conversion of one of the many mainstream Fokker D VII kits however, as the C.1 was actually a stretched D VII.