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Review Author
Charles Landrum
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

The FAB-250 is a general purpose dumb bomb with is widely manufactured and exported, similar to the US 500lb bomb. The have been widely used in the conflicts along the Russian (Soviet) border in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Nagarno-Kharabak and Georgia. You frequently see them carried on Russian multiple ejector racks. While they are available in numerous kits, Aires had release their version in an aftermarket package.

This set is crisply patterned and cast with very this fin detail in durable resin. The bombs have a nice shape, but lack some lug detail found on injection molded bombs included by OEZ/KOPRO in their kits. Since I don’t know the purpose of these lugs I can’t comment on their presence, but I have seen them in photos. The fit of the bomb to the fin is perfect, but some care will be needed to endure the fins are straight upon attachment. The set also includes a comprehensive decal set of stencils.

Review Author
Charles Landrum
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

One of the more impressive Soviet/Russian weapon systems is the SPPU-22 gun pod. With two twin 23mm cannons it is used to strafe ground targets and can be adjusted from the cockpit to fire horizontal or up to 30 degrees down angle. Typically two are carried on an aircraft. A tactic peculiar to the Russian way of war is to mount the pods so that one faces forward and one aft. The aircraft can then fly down a line hitting targets coming and going – it has to be demoralizing to the recipients.;

Up to now the only source for these gun pods was the KOPRO (ex-OEZ) Su-25. The kit supplied pods are actually pretty detailed, but the gun system itself is very weak and would need to be scratchbuilt. Aires in their new Aerobonus line has released a new series of Soviet/Russian aftermarket weapons/weapon systems. First in line is the SPPU-22.

Review Author
Mike Kellner
Published on
Revell, Inc.

This is Revell's original Fletcher-class destroyer in “box scale” of 1/306. The first Fletcher to enter service, USS Nicholas, was commissioned on June 4, 1942, and was the first of 175 of the class to be built by war’s end.

Revell's kit features the square bridge version, but gives the modeler the parts to update it with rocket launchers for a later version. The kit instructions are simple and easy to understand, and best of all---each part has a number and an identifying name as well. As a kid, this was how I learned a great deal about the ships and airplanes which I built. In fact, I built many of these kits in my youth, which was the inspiration to do this review.

Review Author
Steve Jahnke
Published on
Revell, Inc.

In this review, we have the sister kit to Revell’s other Kurtis Kraft Midget racer, the V8-60. The Ford V8-60 Kurtis Kraft model and trailer is reviewed by Jim Stratton elsewhere on the IPMS website. This subject review is the same Kurtis Kraft race car fitted with an Offenhauser 4 slug motor. Jim did a great job telling the history of Frank Kurtis and the racing success of his Kurtis Kraft cars. I will give you a little background on the Offenhauser engine part of the story.

Review Author
Fred Wilms
Published on


This kit contains 56 photo etched parts. There were 3 extra parts, namely an extra hold down shackle.

The photo etched parts were in perfect condition. These details were used in the 3 wheel well areas. They all fit well except one area. A notch was made in one corner item -- as shown in the photo. The area modified was in the main landing gear tie into the deck. The instructions were good, except for where the extra hold down was located. A bend brake tool would be helpful.


This kit is recommended for the experienced modeler, due to the numerous tiny parts.


I wish to thank Eduard & IPMS for allowing me to review this aftermarket kit.