“Die Erzählung des Schwarzen Ritters”, translated as The Story of the Black Knights, is a popular comic book series set in WWII. The series follows Oberleutnant Ernst von Bauer and his 8th Tank Company known as the Black Knights. The series begins in the fall of 1943 on the Eastern Front, and follows the unit through the end of the war as they change vehicles several times (the unit uses Panthers, Panzer IVs, StuG IIIs, and even Jadgpanzers). The Panther A enters the story early on, after the unit loses their Panzer IV’s in a battle with the Soviets. By luck, they find several Panther A’s and fight back, repelling the “Reds”.
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Dragon’s 1/72 scale line of Armor Pro models has become the standard by which all 1/72 armor kits are gauged. Dragon’s detail in such a small scale, including photo-etched detail, is what makes modelers flock to the local hobby shops to get the latest in the Armor Pro series.
Dragon’s newest addition to this series is the Sd.Kfz 222 Leichte Panzerspahwagen. Dragon has released this little WWII German Armored scout car in a 1+1 pack, similar to their 1/72 Humvee series. The box contains two complete kits, photo-etched parts, decals, and a single instruction sheet with color paint guides. The molding is clean with crisp detail and Dragon has done their best to hide injector marks and sprue attachment points.
The Product:
The Aires set arrived in the standard blister pack we all have come to recognize. Secured in place with a small foam block accompanied with the familiar blue instruction sheet, the resin parts are highly detailed and somewhat delicate. My sample was flawless and bubble free. The set contains parts for both gun bays including the guns, ammo cans, feed chutes and multi part cover doors.
The Bottom line:
The Republic Rainbow has been a long-time favorite aircraft of mine. I grew up on Long Island, not far from Farmingdale where Republic is located, and my father worked there for twenty-five years. Even without that close association, I would still appreciate the sleek lines and tremendous performance of this machine. Mike Machat with his new hardcover book puts a spotlight on post-war aviation and on this interesting aircraft.
Quickboost’s line of after market exhaust options just keeps on growing. The latest addition is for the Hasegawa JU88 A-4. It is up to their usual standards; molded in a cream colored resin, smooth, seamless and bubble free. One thing of note is that they are really easy to remove from the mold block with just a few passes of the hobby saw. Another plus is that the exhausts are bored out, which would be a real pain if you tried to do it on the kit part.
The exhausts that come in the Hasegawa kit look alright and would make an acceptable model but the Quickboost replacements are superior because of how they are bored out which makes for more realism, especially in a photo. These exhausts are very easy to install, and they just fit right in. They will also work well with any other JU88 A-4 kit as long as the kit part is close to looking like the Hasegawa assembly.