If you don’t already have a Tamiya 1/32ndscale Spitfire Mk XVI, this decal sheet might be enough to make you want one. This set of decals offers markings for four Mk XVI Spitfires operating during 1946 to 1948. SL721 is the aircraft of Air Marshall Sir James Robb, Commander of the Fighter Command Communications Squadron in Northolt during 1948. The powder blue overall finish is supposedly a mixture of PRU blue and white. It is a unique looking Spit and quite attractive.
The second offering is TB900, a MKVI flown by Squadron Leader Raymond A.F. Lallemant of RAF No. 349 (Belgium) Squadron, based in Fassburg, Germany in 1946. It is RAF Dark Green/Ocean Gray/Medium Sea Gray with Sky codes.
Spitfire MkXVIe TD231 is also from Fassburg, Germany in 1946, but it is of the 350 Squadron, Belgium AF. It is camouflaged in RAF Dark Green/Ocean Gray and Medium Sea Gray with white codes. The red, yellow and black Belgian roundels are what set this aircraft off.